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3 listings found for 'being my true self.' in Listings

MIchael van Dommelen  Nilaaya
MIchael van Dommelen Nilaaya
 judea & samara, Israel  over a year ago

[OFFER] energy medicine healing, mentoring, sound and breath therapy — MAKE A YOU-TURN Come home Conscious Manifesting FUNCTIONING FROM a PERSONAL TO a UNIVERSAL PERSPECTIVE - CONSCIOUSNESS changing the patterns that are inconsistent with our true nature. Human Empowerment sessions, guidance, awareness expanding, abundance counseling / procedures of transformation (change) … Holistic in all fields through Personal Awakening of the infinite nature of the human being: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and personal economic development

 judea & samara, Israel  over a year ago


Adam  Art Ananda
Adam Art Ananda (5) Level 3 member
 Berlin, Germany  over a year ago

[OFFER] Step Out - A guideline how you can step out of this system and live a fulfilling life in abundance w — A guideline how you can step out of this system. This guideline is based on my own experience and will be enriched with true stories from people I met on my way or people who wrote me believable stories. The book covers why we should step out at all, what we can do to live a fulfilling life in freedom without anxiety. The author also tries to show how a new society may look like on the sample of the Ubuntu movement from South Afrika. "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and the time is now." ~ Starr MacKinnon

 Berlin, Germany  over a year ago


Peter Paul Parker
Peter Paul Parker (3) Level 3 member
 Surrey, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[OFFER] Ki Gong classes on You Tube — Ki-gong is a form of ancient Asian healing art. The main focus of this healing art is to combine the mind, the breath and the body. Ki Gong helps to achieve a healthy flow of energy around the body through the meridian channels, while strengthening the body and lungs. While we gather the energy into the lower body, we make the legs and lower body strong, while making the upper body flexible and light. The focus on the breath enables the body to restore a natural functioning of the respiratory system, which really helps the practitioner to experience the true power of Ki Gong. So when you practice the healing art of Kookhak Ki Gong, you will start to experience a healthy, strong and flexible body, together with a calm and focused mind.

 Surrey, United Kingdom  over a year ago


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